The press about The Convert

Mon, May 16, 2022

Debekeerlinge 1200 800 LQ

The convert is not an everyday opera, yet it charms many hearts. An anthology of what the press has to say about this Belgian world creation.

Wim Henderickx, Hans Op de Beeck and librettist Krystian Lada were faced with the difficult task of translating the complex story with its psychological, philosophical and religious components to the stage in a clear manner. They have succeeded with flying colours.

— De Tijd

A brilliant role for the young Belgian soprano Lore Binon. Both dramatically and vocally, she is the undisputed star of this production.

— De Standaard

The Convert is a fragile opera with serene music and beautiful performances.

— Gazet van Antwerpen

De bekeerlinge - productiebeeld
A particularly beautiful moment we get from the charismatic black singer Luvuyo Mbundu as Rabbi Obadiah who sings the text from the (authentic) letter of recommendation in a declarative tone over mesmerising sounds of the orchestra.

— Klara

Director Hans Op de Beeck does a brilliant job, constantly reminding us that this opera is, of course, not about the eleventh century at all. This is about us, now, here.

— Nieuwe noten

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