Fri, Jul 14, 2023

Opera Ballet Vlaanderen's 2022-2023 season was one for the records. Never before did we reach more audiences with our performances. As many as 127,616 people experienced an evening or afternoon in our houses or at one of our touring performances at home and abroad. For opera, we did 22% better on average than in the past ten seasons, for ballet the occupancy rate was comparable to previous years. We are particularly pleased that our Vonk performances were also very popular: with productions such as A Bigger Thing, Rizoom!, Vake Poes and Kruistocht we reached almost 11,000 visitors.
77% of our Belgian audience came from the provinces of East Flanders and and Antwerp and thus 23% from the other Belgian provinces. 10% of our visitors came from abroad, from as many as 59 different countries. 46.6% of the audience bought a ticket for the very first time at Opera Ballet Vlaanderen.